Children’s Physiotherapy

  • Strength Training

    Regular exercises tailored to ability enhance balance and co-ordination. Strength training not only enhances muscle strength, it also improves motor function and promotes better mobility.

    By engaging in targeted exercises children can gain increased independence and improved quality of life, performing daily activities with greater ease.

  • Post-op rehab - SDR and PERCS

    We have extensive experience of SDR, advising pre-op and treating post-op, helping you learn how to move in a way that’s going to make you more independent, confident and active.

    The majority of our sessions are clinic based, with 1-3 week blocks of therapy. Sessions are usually in clinic and focus on strengthening, Task training, treadmill training and Spider therapy.

    Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy is a treatment for spasticity which reduces/eliminates spasticity by cutting selected sensory fibres in the spinal cord.

    Kids’ Therapy Works has supported hundreds of children from the UK, USA and beyond with targeted rehabilitation therapy.

  • Task Training

    You decide on a task that you want to be better at and then practise, practise, practise!

    If you want to get better at kicking a ball so that you can play football with your friends at school we’ll help you by working on your strength, balance and kicking skills.

    Treadmill Training

    alking on the treadmill can be much easier than walking on your own. The treadmill goes slow and your physio can help you with placing your feet. You don’t have to worry about bumping into things moving around you. You can also use the spider to make sure you don’t fall and stand tall. Your physio can make it harder or easier to suit your need as you get stronger and need less help.

  • Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI)

    Dynamic Movement Integration focuses on your gross motor kills, alignment, postural control, your range of motion, your balance and working towards milestones such as sitting, rolling, standing, walking (functional movements).

    “The goal of DMI is to provoke a specified active motor response from the child in response to defined dynamic exercises. This comprehensive intervention incorporates current research on neurorehabilitation, technologies, and methodologies. DMI stimulates neuroplasticity to facilitate new neuronal connections and development of motor milestones. “

  • Spider Cage

    When you are in the spider you can safely and freely use your arms and legs to stand really tall, balance, play, kick a ball and throw, all without someone having to hold you.

    There are eight elastic bungees attached to a special belt. The spider takes your weight if I need it to and you can stand all by yourself. It teaches you to move your body in a better way and helps muscles to get super strong. You’ll feel less wobbly on your feet and more aware of what your body is doing.

  • MSK

    Muscularskeletal therapy specialises in addressing and rehabilitating bone, muscle and joint issues, employing tailored interventions to promote mobility and function.

    Through targeted treatment and exercises, MSK therapy aims to optimise mobility and function. In addition, we can advise on and provide strength and conditioning programmes to help prevent future problems.

  • Development Delay

    Development Delay (or Typical Development) is the term given to a child who does not meet key developmental milestones and falls behind the expected progression in areas of development compared to other children.

    What can we do?

    • Increase muscle strength

    • Improve balance and co-ordination

    • Promote typical patterns of movements

    • Achieve milestones

    • Achieve maximum potential

    • Promote independence with everyday tasks

    Find out more about Development Delay

  • Intensive Therapy

    Intensive physiotherapy can lead to significant improvements in motor skills, helping achieve greater independence . Through targeted interventions and regular sessions, intensive physiotherapy aims to optimise muscle tone, range of motion, and overall physical function.. By focusing on individualized goals and providing consistent support, intensive physiotherapy can empower children to reach their full potential and improve their overall quality of life.

  • Electrical Stimulation Devices

    Electricity helps you to do things you couldn’t manage before like pulling your toes up when stepping and keeping your hips and knees straight.

    Sensory stimulation gloves help your brain listen to your hand. The glove sends an extra strong signal with a reminder on where your hand is and how relaxed or ready to work it needs to be.

    If you find difficulty in day-to-day tasks such as lifting your foot when walking or opening your hand, you can use a machine to help. The more you use it the stronger your muscles get and the more chance you have of being able to do it yourself. There are a range of different machines to use at Kids’ Therapy Works.

    Mollii Suit

    A Mollii suit helps your muscles get ready to work and play, so you are able to move with much more freedom. When wearing the suit you hardly feel anything at all.

    The suit goes over your whole body and there is a special power pack on the front of it which provides the electricity which help your muscles to relax. You usually wear the suit for an hour before you have a regular physiotherapy session but you can also wear the suit at home.

  • CIMT

    (Constraint Induced Movement Therapy).

    If you struggle to use your affected hand then your other more able hands helps out lots. The only problem is that your affected hand misses out on practise opportunities so struggles to improve. CIMT helps by stopping you from using your less affected side, by keeping it away in a mitt or cast. This means you can have extra practise of activities on the side that is less able.

    It’s hard work and mostly we work intensively but all the effort pays off as you get more strength, movement and function after your therapy.

    Find out more about CIMT

  • Hydrotherapy

    Water is such a fun place to play and what’s even better is that it’s easier to balance in the water so you’re more confident. The water also gives you a resistance to push against so you get stronger in it. You really get a lot of exercise for your heart and muscles in a safe environment. It also helps you work on tricky goals like standing independently.

    Find out more about Hydrotherapy

  • TheraTogs

    TheraTogs is a dynamic and versatile system allowing children with neuromotor dysfunction to be individuals who can move with better control and expend less energy doing so.

  • Cosmo

    Cosmo re-imagines inclusive learning, therapy and play for people with additional learning needs.